EdNoa: edition and study of Medieval Portuguese Annals
Project status
Execution period
Main research unit
Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa (CH-ULisboa), Centro de Estudos Clássicos da Universidade de Lisboa (CEC), Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura da Universidade de Coimbra (CHSC), Instituto de Filosofia da Universidade do Porto (IFUP)
Research partnerships
Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad de Sevilla
Research team
André Filipe Oliveira da Silva (CITCEM); Andrea Maraschi (Università di Bologna); Carlos Alberto Prieto Espinosa (CEC); Carmen Benítez Guerrero (Universidad de Sevilla); Esperança Cardeira (CLUL); Fernando Brissos (CLUL); Hermenegildo Fernandes (CH-ULisboa); José Francisco Preto Meirinhos (IFUP); Maria do Rosário Barbosa Morujão (CHSC); Maria Joana Matos Gomes (IFUP); Paulo Farmhouse Alberto (CEC); Pedro António Alexandre Gonçalves (CH-ULisboa); Ricardo Pichel Gotérrez (Universidad de Alcalá); Saul António Gomes (CHSC)
The so-called Livro da Noa (ms. Lisboa, PT/TT/MSCC/L099) is an essential source for both Medieval Iberian Historiography and Portuguese History. It is also an extremely significant manuscript for the study of Palaeography and Codicology in the Middle Ages in Western Iberia and contains valuable texts for a better knowledge of Medieval Latin and, especially, Portuguese. The current manuscript was compiled in the Monastery of Santa Cruz of Coimbra and registers a number of political and ecclesiastical events, and also astronomic and atmospheric phaenomena, natural disasters and plagues, covering a large period, from the nineteenth to the fifteenth century.
The project EdNoa aims to create an electronic edition of the Livro da Noa, with documentary transcriptions linked to the manuscript’s images, historical and philological notes, glossaries, a bibliographical database, and several studies. The copies and the printed editions will also be transcribed, in order to better understand the transmission of the texts and the different approaches of the previous studies.
The interdisciplinary project’s team is made up of researchers from various universities and different areas, and will integrate students.
Project webpage