
The Centre for History of the University of Lisbon offers outstanding conditions to develop historical research in Portugal. Part of the School of Arts and Humanities, the unit allows for multiple opportunities for further collaboration within a vibrant and collegiate research team and the faculty of the Department of History, in addition to partnerships with other schools of the University of Lisbon.

The CH-ULisboa has access to the best bibliographical and archival conditions in Portugal for historical research due to: i) the walking distance location on campus of the Portuguese National Archives (ANTT) and the Portuguese National Library; ii) the School’s library which is the finest Portuguese university library for the Humanities and Social Sciences, providing ample online resources and databases; and iii) the several other research centres in the School that encourage and support interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration.

The Centre is housed in improved facilities amounting to almost 300m2 divided among 11 rooms that included a common working space for researchers, dedicated project rooms, library and archives. This space allows access to staff, the Centre's archival and bibliographic heritage, dedicated areas for RG and project meetings, and storage.

The School of Arts and Humanities has created a new and up-to-date dedicated faculty research and project development support department that collaborates closely with the CH-ULisboa and its researchers to advance their research projects.

​ The Centre staff supports the researchers to develop scientific initiatives, publications, events, and Digital Humanities (DH) resources, as well as in the completion of scientific missions and internationalisation efforts


Work spaces

Virgínia Rau Researcher Common Room

Common room for CH-ULisboa researchers, with access to computers, internet connections and WiFi. Integrated researchers and collaborators can activate their faculty card in the Technical Support Department, in order to be granted access to the room. External researchers hosted by the Centre should first contact the CH-ULisboa executive office.


Opening hours
Regular school period
Weekdays - from 08:00 until 22:00
Saturday- from 08:00 until 12:00
Sunday - closed

Summer period
Weekdays - from 08:00 until 20:00
Saturday - closed
Sunday - closed



CH-ULisboa Library

​Books from the CH-ULisboa Library can be requested by researchers at the center. Other interested parties may consult them, subject to availability of the library room, with prior request to the CH-ULisboa Secretary.


Opening hours
Working days - 9.00 am - 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm
​Closed in August



Library of Instituto de Estudos Árabes e Islâmicos David Lopes

For further information about this library, please contact the CH-ULisboa staff - centro.his@letras.ulisboa.pt.