Ancient History & Pop Culture Seminars #2
«The Gods of Antiquity in Contemporary Popular Culture»
June 13, 2023 | Online
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Organization | Abraham I. Fernández Pichel (CH-ULisboa) and Arnaud Quertinmont (Royal Museum of Mariemont)
Download Poster and Programme | Download CFP Poster
During the year 2023 and until the beginning of 2024, the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon promotes a series of activities focused on Popular Culture and History within the research project Egypopcult, coordinated by Dr. Abraham I. Fernández Pichel. This project is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) of the Portuguese government.
For the second edition of the seminar Ancient History and Pop culture, the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon (Portugal) joins forces with the Royal Museum of Mariemont (Belgium), which has developed several activities combining Egyptology and pop culture, such as the exhibition From StargateTM to comics in 2016 or Egypt. Everlasting passion in 2022-2023.
The topic of this edition is: “The Gods of Antiquity in Contemporary Popular Culture”.
The aim of this webinar is to present current research and perspectives covering Ancient Religion and Popular Culture. Within this vast thematic area, we seek to establish a dialogue between the different civilisations of Antiquity, such as Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, focusing our interest on the representation and re-imagining of their divinities in popular culture (movies, TV series, comics, internet, video games, horror and fantasy literature...).
To register, you can send an email at A link will be provided a few days before the event.
Deadline for submission: 30th April 2023 (CLOSED)
Language: English
For further details and abstracts, please contact the organisers:
Abraham I. Fernández Pichel
(Egypopcult, Centre for History, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon)
Arnaud Quertinmont
(Curator Egyptian Department, Royal Museum of Mariemont)