Mediating Multiculturalism. Jews, Blacks, and Curaçao, 1825-1970

Seminários de História de África

27 de Abril de 2022


Sala B112.B, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa

Organização: Carlos Almedida, Eugénia Rodrigues, José da Silva Horta, Philipp Hofmann

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Mediating Multiculturalism. Jews, Blacks, and Curaçao, 1825-1970

Jessica Roitman
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam


This talk will focus on the interactions and connections between the two main “minority” groups on the Dutch Antillean Island of Curacao – Afro-Curacaoans and (Sephardic) Jews. These connections can be seen in the political, business, social, and charitable spheres, where Sephardic Jews played a mediating role between the Afro-Curacaoan majority and the tiny white Protestant, largely Dutch, elite. Beyond mediation, however, this talk will describe and analyze the horizontal relationships between Afro-Curacaoans and Jews themselves, with a focus on the realm of politics and governance. It will also provide background and context on the history of Jewish Afro-Curacaoan relationships on the island.