International Conferece
Historical Documents and Digital Historical Challenges: debating the iForal project
[Versão Portuguesa]
January 22, 23 and 24, 2025
Room B.112C and online
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Organising Committee | Filipa Roldão (CH-ULisboa), Joana Serafim (CPL), Hermenegildo Fernandes (FLUL/CH-ULisboa), Manuela Santos Silva (CH-ULisboa), Fernando Brissos (CLUL) e Elsa Pereira (CLUL)
Organisation | Projeto iForal. Forais Medievais Portugueses: uma perspectiva histórica e linguística na era digital e CH-ULisboa
Download Poster | Oficial Website
The iForal. Portuguese Medieval Charters: a historical and linguistic perspective in the digital age (*) has developed an electronic edition of the first Portuguese royal charters, incorporating not only the oldest testimonies, but also those produced in both Latin and vernacular, up until the end of the 15th century. Urban and rural communities received from their lords, both secular and ecclesiastical, rules regulating social coexistence, their rights and duties, economic activities and administrative, jurisdictional and tax practices. These rules, set out in charters, resulted from the convergence of the interests of both parties, probably identified even before the charter was drawn up. Over the centuries, the rule was successively rewritten, either in charters addressed for the first time to other lands, or in ratifications of its contents. In this way, written words, graphic models and forms of validation circulated and were recomposed or adapted to each circumstance in which the norm was rewritten. The survival of a charter throughout the medieval period (and even beyond), in formal and linguistic variation, is the main object of study for the iForal project team, which has been developing resources and collaborative work in areas such as History, Linguistics and Information Technology. The project's central resource is its digital text editing platform, EDICOLAB, which allows for collaborative and interdisciplinary work, and which will remain available to be used with other documentary corpora.
This international colloquium aims to present and debate some of the main results of the research carried out by the members of the iForal project team, as well as to engage in dialogue with other national and international multidisciplinary projects focused on historical documentation from the medieval period. We will therefore be analysing the use of digital tools and resources that challenge the way we read, fix and criticise these texts, the scope of comparative analysis of information and the limits of historical-linguistic interpretation of data.
To this end, we invite researchers, especially young researchers (doctoral students and recent PhDs), to present work in progress on historical documentation in the medieval period, in the relationship between History, Linguistics, Textual Criticism and Information Technologies.
Below are some of the topics that could be developed in this colloquium focussing on medieval charters or other historical documents:
- Production, use and circulation of documents
- Agents and strategies of power
- Documentary heritage
- Normative traditions in interaction
- Norms and territoriality
- Social, political and economic categories, etc.
- Linguistic diversity and variation
- Emergence of vernacular languages
- Writing and orality
- Linguistic standardisation
- Genesis and textual transmission
- Textual and editing studies
- Digital tools and resources
- Digital publishing and technological innovation
Wednesday, 22 January
10:00 | Opening session
10:30-11:30 | Keynote
Rodrigo Garcia-Velasco (University College London) – Los fueros, la juridificación del mundo medieval, y su contexto europeo
11:30-12:00 | Break
12:00-13:00 | Panel I
Chair: Manuela Santos Silva (Universidade de Lisboa, CH-ULisboa)
12:00 | Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (Universidade de Coimbra, CHSC) – Os traslados em linguagem dos forais dos séculos XII e XIII: uma abordagem preliminar
12:20 | Discussion
12:30 | Filipa Roldão (Universidade de Lisboa – CH-ULisboa) & Joana Serafim (Universität Zürich / Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL) – Os primeiros forais régios portugueses: reflexões em torno do modelo de Salamanca – Numão – Trancoso
12:50 | Discussion
13:00-14:00 | Lunch break
15:00-16:00 | Panel II
Chair: Filipa Roldão (Universidade de Lisboa – CH-ULisboa)
15:00 | Manuela Santos Silva (Universidade de Lisboa, CH-ULisboa) – A manutenção da disciplina social em comunidades agraciadas com carta de foral nos séculos XII e XIII
15:20 | Discussion
15:30 | Cristina Cunha (Universidade do Porto, CITCEM) & Ricardo Seabra (Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa / Universidade de Évora, CIDEHUS) – Tabeliães Públicos e Forais Régios: possíveis caminhos de investigação
15:50 | Discussion
16:00-16:30 | Break
16:30-17:30 | Panel III
Chair: Joana Serafim (Universität Zürich / Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL)
16:30 | Mónica Castillo Lluch (Université de Lausanne) & Andrea Escobar Castillo (Université de Lausanne) – Avances del proyecto Fuero Juzgo digital [via ZOOM]
16:50 | Discussion
17:00 | Catarina Tibúrcio (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, NOVAID - FCT-UNL / IEM) – A Era Digital no projeto de investigação que estuda o fundo da Biblioteca do Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Lorvão – séculos XII a XVI
17:20 | Discussion
Thursday, 23 January
10:00-11:00 | Keynote
António Souto Cabo (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela) – “Qui fiador intrar et contentor illi non uviar”. Sobre a acidentada transmissão de lat. tard. OBVIARE na documentação foraleira e noutros âmbitos textuais
11:00-11:30 | Break
11:30-13:00 | Panel IV
Chair: Joana Serafim (Universität Zürich / Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL)
11:30 | Fernando Brissos (Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL) & Vânia Carvalheiro (Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL) – Forais, dialetos e português medieval: contributos do projeto iForal
11:50 | Discussion
12:00 | João Paulo Silvestre (Universidade de Aveiro, CLLC) – O sistema EDICOLAB: critérios e métodos interdisciplinares para uma edição digital
12:20 | Discussion
12:30 | Elsa Pereira (Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL) – Edição filológica e edição assertiva: conceitos em mutação no paradigma digital
12:50 | Discussion
13:00-15:00 | Lunch break
15:00-16:30 | Panel V
Chair: Fernando Brissos (Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL)
15:00 | Maria Inês Bico (Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL), Esperança Cardeira (Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL), Jorge Baptista (Universidade do Algarve / Universidade de Lisboa, INESC-id) & Fernando Batista (Universidade de Lisboa, ISCTE-IUL / INESC-id) – A integração de informação linguística no CollateX: o caso de Vida de Santa Maria Egipcíaca
15:20 | Discussion
15:30 | Elena Lombardo (Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL) – CXMM digital: A "Crónica do Xarife Mulei Mahamet" como modelo para a edição de crónicas sebásticas
15:50 | Discussion
16:00 | Saranya Chandran (Central European University) – Digital Humanities Tools for Garshuni Malayalam: Overcoming Challenges in Studying Syrian Christian Manuscripts in Kerala
16:20 | Discussion
16:30-17:00 | Break
17:00-18:30 | Panel VI
Chair: Filipa Roldão (Universidade de Lisboa – CH-ULisboa)
17:00 | Osvaldo Pacheco (Universidade de Aveiro, IEETA), Vasco Sousa (Universidade de Aveiro, IEETA), Catarina Coelho (Universidade de Lisboa) & João Paulo Silvestre (Universidade de Aveiro, CLLC) – Análise do Edicolab enquanto plataforma estruturante do projeto iForal [via ZOOM]
17:20 | Discussion
17:30 | Pedro Almeida (Universidade de Aveiro, IEETA), Paulo Lobato Correia (Universidade de Lisboa, IT-IST) & Osvaldo Pacheco (Universidade de Aveiro, IEETA) – Extração e segmentação automática de texto em Forais portugueses [via ZOOM]
17:50 | Discussion
18:00 | Alexandre Matos (Universidade de Aveiro, IEETA), Francisco Raimundo (Universidade de Lisboa, CH-ULisboa), Paulo Lobato Correia (Universidade de Lisboa, IT-IST) & Osvaldo Pacheco (Universidade de Aveiro, IEETA) – iForal: Reconhecimento Automático de Texto em Manuscritos Medievais [via ZOOM ]
18:20 | Discussion
20:00 | Dinner
Friday, 24 January
9:30-10:30 | Keynote
Gabriel Castanho (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) – Digitizing the Middle Ages: impactos historiográficos da documentação digital
10:30-11:00 | Break
11:00-12:00 | Panel VII
Chair: Filipa Roldão (Universidade de Lisboa – CH-ULisboa)
11:00 | Nicolás Ávila Seoane (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) – Docencia e investigación con fondos archivísticos paneuropeos a través de la plataforma [via ZOOM]
11:20 | Discussion
11:30 | Adelaide Costa (Universidade Aberta / Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IEM) – O recurso aos forais na comunicação política dos concelhos na Baixa Idade Média
11:50 | Discussion
12:00-13:00 | Roundtable: Debating the iForal project
Participants: Ivo Castro (Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL), Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (Universidade de Coimbra, CHSC), Filipa Roldão (Universidade de Lisboa – CH-ULisboa) & Joana Serafim (Universität Zürich / Universidade de Lisboa, CLUL). Chair: Hermenegildo Fernandes (Universidade de Lisboa – CH-ULisboa).
13:00 | Closing session
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(*) The iForal project (PTDC/HAR-HIS/5065/2020) is financed by national funds through FCT/MECI.