Eurasia Crossings #14
Sinosphere in the 21st Century: Reinterpreting Chinese Culture in the Context of a New International Order

Juan José Ciruela Alférez (Universidad de Granada)

23 May 2024 | 6.30 PM (GMT) | FLUL | Auditorium IV

Eurasia Crossings: Dynamics of Cross-Cultural Encounters between East and West

ユーラシア横断: 東洋と西洋の異文化的出会いのダイナミクス | Asian Studies Lecture Series | Lecture #14

Organising Committee | António Hawthorne Barrento (University of Lisbon), Elisabetta Colla (University of Lisbon), Kang Youn-Ok (Myongji University), Luís Filipe Barreto (University of Lisbon), Pedro Lage Correia (University of Lisbon) & Sato Yoji (Waseda University)

Institutional Support | School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, Eurasian Foundation (from Asia) & Asian Studies League

This event is also part of Luís Filipe Barreto’s cycle of open lectures on the Theory and History of Europe-Asia Relations.

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