Eurasia Crossings #9
Tours through empire: reading colonial encounters in early Southeast Asian tourism
Mikko Toivanen (Freie Universität Berlin)
11 April 2024 | 6.30 PM (GMT) | FLUL | Auditorium IV
Eurasia Crossings: Dynamics of Cross-Cultural Encounters between East and West
ユーラシア横断: 東洋と西洋の異文化的出会いのダイナミクス | Asian Studies Lecture Series | Lecture #9
Organising Committee | António Hawthorne Barrento (University of Lisbon), Elisabetta Colla (University of Lisbon), Kang Youn-Ok (Myongji University), Luís Filipe Barreto (University of Lisbon), Pedro Lage Correia (University of Lisbon) & Sato Yoji (Waseda University)
Institutional Support | School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, Eurasian Foundation (from Asia) & Asian Studies League
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Mikko Toivanen is a research fellow at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, funded by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. He specialises in global and colonial history with a focus on the British and Dutch colonies in nineteenth-century Southeast Asia. His current research project investigates the development of colonial urban culture and different notions of public space in Singapore and Batavia (now Jakarta) in the latter half of the nineteenth century, while his further research interests include the history of Nordic colonial entanglements, the global history of forestry research and practices, and the transnational circulations of imperial knowledge. Toivanen defended his PhD, on colonial travel and tourism in Southeast Asia, at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) in 2019.