International Seminar
The Khedive's Gift: Politics and diplomacy in the European reception of the antiquities from Bab el-Gasus

14th March 2024

Geographical Society of Lisbon (Auditorium Adriano Moreira) & Pharmacy Museum

Organizing Committee | Rogério Sousa (FLUL/CH-ULisboa), Manuela Cantinho (SGL/CH-ULisboa), Ana Cristina Martins (IHC-UÉvora/IN2PAST/SGL), Filipe Reis (FLUL/CH-ULisboa), and Stefano Scaramuzzino (IIC-Lisbona)

Gate of the Priests Project, Centre for History of the University of Lisbon, Geographical Society of Lisbon (Section of Archaeology), Istituto Italiano di Cultura - Lisbona, and Castelo de São Jorge (EGEAC) 

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