AIRN Seminar #6
Book Launch with the Authors: «Marfins africanos como insígnias de poder» (Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço, 2023)
Vanicléia Silva-Santos (University of Pennsylvania & Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais)
27 September 2023 | 6 PM (GMT)
Online | Zoom:
Organisation | African Ivory Research Network & Centre for History of the University of Lisbon
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Book Launch
Vanicléia Silva-Santos, ed. Marfins africanos como insígnias de poder. Contextos de produção e usos dentro e fora de África. Belo Horizonte: Fino Traço Editora, 2023
Access E-book and Abstract here.
Vanicléia Silva-Santos
Vanicléia Silva-Santos is a professor of African History and curator at the Pen Museum of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, United States. Her research interests include African History and its Diasporas and Material Culture. Her projects resulted in some edited volumes about these topics. The latest one is African Ivory as Insignia of Power. Contexts of production and uses, inside and outside Africa at Editora Fino Traço (2023).
Online event
ID da reunião: 968 1675 0302
Senha de acesso: airn2023
About the AIRN Seminar
The African Ivory Research Network (AIRN) runs a seminar at the Centre for History of the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. This seminar addresses African ivory from any historical period and from a variety of historical perspectives, including economic history, cultural history, art history, environmental history and archaeology. In addition, it also intends to promote sessions related to heritage preservation, wildlife protection, ecology, law and illegal trade, among other issues relevant to this topic.
Contributors to this seminar include academics from around the world who have researched or are researching any topic related to African ivory and are willing to share their research with a wider community of researchers and experts, including sharing ongoing research. The main goal of this seminar is to promote an open discussion on any issue related with African ivory, profiting from the different theoretical frameworks and research interests followed by each speaker.
The seminar consists of monthly conferences to be held from January to May including a 50-60 minutes talk followed by a 20-30 minutes discussion. Sessions take place on Wednesdays starting at 6 PM (GMT) in online format, via Zoom.
AIRN is an offspring of a joint research project developed by the universities of Lisbon and Minas Gerais on the history of African ivories in the Atlantic world, which was carried out between 2016 and 2019 under the supervision of Peter Mark (