CH-ULisboa Online Seminar
History and Gender: Women under authoritarian regimes

January 31, 2023 | Online venue

Inscrição gratuita

Organisation | Elisa Fauth

Research Group | Uses of the Past

Support | Laboratório de História Social e Política (LHSP), Rede de Investigação Direitas, História e Memória (DHM), Programa de Pós-doutoramento em História - UFJF

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CH-ULisboa Seminar
History and Gender: Women under authoritarian regimes

Online venue
January 31, 2023

Elisa Fauth
Grupo de Investigação Usos do Passado
Uses of the Past Research Group

LHSP Laboratório de História Social e Política Laboratory of Political and Social History
DHM Rede de Investigação Direitas, História e Memória Rights, History and Memory Research Network
UFJF Programa de Pós-doutoramento em História UFJF Graduate Program in History


The importance of the Gender category for the analysis of History is nowadays unquestionable. Since the last decades of the 20th century the term has been used for historians to enlighten different perspectives of Women History, the differences between men and women, and a plural variety of research about queer identities. However, the relations between Gender or Women History and the Political History may still be underestimated.


As Morant i Ariño (2012) has pointed out, scholars have condemned the suggestion of using Gender in studies about war, diplomacy, Politics and others. Taking this into account, the Seminar History and Gender: Women under authoritarian regimes seeks to discuss how women’s lives may have been affected by dictatorships, the resistance movements, citizenship concepts and any other aspects related with the constraint of civil rights. Also, who were the women who supported those regimes? How did they engage in their propaganda?

The main idea is to debate how the ideologies of the regimes were translated into real Politics and their consequences. The Seminar is interested in works of any geography, but mainly focused on the 20th century. We encourage proposals about Women’s History, but also History of Childhood, Queer identities, and Gender Politics.



Mujeres, fascismos y autoritarismos de entreguerras. Reflexiones metodológicas y perspectiva transnacional?
Professor Toni Morant i Ariño, Universitat de València

13h30 - 14h30 - Pausa para almoço
14h30 -16h30 PRESENTATIONS

16h30 - 17h – Pausa